Working from Barcelona on projects to improve health and the environment.

Unlocking the potential of Blockchain, AI, Robotics, and Big Data for a better future.

Lab Spirit

We are a Barcelona based company dedicated to the application of Blockchain, AI, Robotics, and Big Data across different fields and Lab experiences: Media Lab, Cryptocurrency Lab, Tokenization Lab, Blockchain Blue Carbon Marketplace Lab, Agriculture Lab, Medical Research, Nanorobotics Lab, Holistic Lab, Food Lab, Metaverse Lab, Voting System Lab.

Our commitment and work is dedicated to excellence and research that can lead to and reverse a better future in people's health and the environment. In this sense, we are committed to projects for the application of metaverses for the treatment of Alzheimer's, in projects to decarbonize the planet, and in nanorobotics projects applied to the treatment of cancer.

All our projects are monitored from beginning to end, with strict financial control and maximum demand for the quality of our products. The impact of our projects must be technological and at the same time social and environmental.

Lab Experiences

Cryptocurrency Lab & Tokenization Lab

turned on flat screen monitor
turned on flat screen monitor

Blockchain Blue Carbon Marketplace Lab

Agriculture Lab

a person wearing a mask and holding a cup
a person wearing a mask and holding a cup

Media Lab

a person wearing a mask and holding a cup
a person wearing a mask and holding a cup

Medical Research Lab

Nanorobotics Lab

Holistic Lab

Food Lab

Voting System Lab

Blockchain Lab Barcelona: "Where everything is to be done and everything is possible"


Yes. Without doubt. Blockchain technology has been erroneously associated in recent years with Bitcoin, strange businesses and places where most of the population does not dare to put their money. The media and the systems of many governments have been responsible for putting fear into the body. But blockchain technology arrived almost a decade and a half ago as an evolution of different computer systems and as a revolution and liberalization of the financial world.

Let's take advantage of the great power of a system, the blockchain, which, contrary to being dubious, is precisely the opposite: it is the most secure and transparent certification system currently existing in the world. And at the same time it is increasingly being applied to more areas and scenarios.

Have you ever imagined a media that would select the wheat from the chaff? That it was completely developed by one or several artificial intelligence systems? And that at the same time there were quality human contributions and interesting documentaries? This is our Media Lab.

Do you know what carbon credits are? They are purchased by institutions and companies that exceed their CO2 emissions and from this investment, projects for the development and care of the environment and the reduction of CO2 are born, such as plantations and protection of seabeds of Posidonia. But can you imagine a platform that was certified through NFTs throughout its entire process? That there really was monitoring and verification of the entire process and that the projects were actually executed and CO2 was reduced? This is our Blockchain Carbon Marketplace Lab and Blockchain Blue Carbon Marketplace Lab.

Can you imagine a technology that would allow dementia and Alzheimer's patients to reconnect their memories from 40 years ago with current reality? What would make them connect with the current reality of their families and themselves? This research is underway in our Medical Lab.

It has always been said that blood is the fuel of the human being. It is debatable. But would it be fantastic to have nanorobots in the blood that would clean this blood, that at the same time would help the deoxidation process of our body, and that would transmit information to a receiver that would store this data in an individually owned healthcare blockchain? These are the objectives of our Nanorobotics Lab.

It would also be fantastic to have agriculture flourishing and not on the brink of ruin and disappearance. Implementing all those facilities that on-chain data can offer us would greatly improve the development of our fields in the coming decades. But at the same time we need a fairer, certified and transparent food chain. Could blockchain also help us in generating a fair, certified and transparent food chain? Obviously yes. Thirdly, we need foods that retain their natural taste. And fourthly, we need to stop considering parapharmacy in a pejorative sense to products that come "from herbs and popular culture." Could we do a rigorous analysis of plants like rosemary? Could we apply nanorobotics to these ancient remedies? Could we collect the data on blockchains to be analyzed by artificial intelligence and humans? Could this lead to progress without simply going to the mercantilist manufacturing of pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical products? Achieving these purposes in agriculture, the food chain and the foods and natural remedies themselves is the objective of our Agriculutre Lab, the Food Lab and the Holistic Lab.

Can you imagine a society in which a vote could be organized in a few weeks and with low costs? That votes will be organized for many different issues that affect our societies? Can you imagine that they were secure and absolutely reliable votes? Can you imagine that the implementation of these votes would only entail a simple step when a citizen creates or renews their identity card (with secondary forms), which is currently mandatory in all democracies? These investigations are the leitmotiv of our Voting System Lab.

Without imagining more. Entrepreneurs embroiled in a thousand battles know that promising more than 12-15% annually is a practically unguaranteable return. Our Cryptobots systems, which we have been working on since 2013, have managed to exceed that 12-15% profitability every year. Applied to the world of financing emerging projects, can you imagine investing in a project and having your money already give benefits in the first year? That the money invested itself would generate the money necessary to carry out a project and that the investor could, after a short time, recover 100% of the money invested and at the same time see his project developed? This, among others, is the objective of our Cryptocurrency Lab and the Tokenization Lab.

"Everything is yet to be done and everything is possible," as the poet Miquel Martí i Pol said. They are old words and already quite used words, but wise words. Like these others "I am exalted by the new and I fall in love with the old", by the poet J.V. Foix. They are words by 2 poets of the 20th century, very close in origin to Barcelona. They are words from the 20th century but they greatly push the meaning and future of our current future in the 21st century. Everything is possible, you just need to believe and work at it.

Working from Barcelona on projects to improve health and the environment.

Unlocking the potential of Blockchain, AI, Robotics, and Big Data for a better future.

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